
Benchmark Research is where you'll find all our annual comprehensive proprietary research reports examining the status of retailers’ overall technology prowess. Our Targeted Research reports, while also created from proprietary research, hone in on specific technologies.

Our interactive Special Reports delve deep into retail's most important topics today, bringing readers the freshest research and retail examples. Explore retail in-depth in a hands-on, animated, digital experience. 

These visual depictions of striking statistics from unbiased research provide a look into top-of-mind retail topics. In addition, they include a Q&A with a retail expert to take a deeper dive into the infographic content at hand.


Roadmap Reports examine the path to implementing today's hottest retail technologies and how top retailers are doing so.  

Virtual Fireside Chats bring top retail experts together to talk about today's most pressing topics. 

Retail Tech Spotlights shine a light on a specific retail technology. We also sit down with retail experts to learn exactly how these technologies are changing the modern retail landscape.

Content Hubs gather a mass of information into an easy to use, interactive hub. Explore deep content in a fun, digestible way. 

In our Explorer Series we examine retail technologies and their use cases throughout a series of exploratory reports.

Whitepapers encompass a plethora of reports on many diverse topics from our retail expert partners.

Our digital, downloadable E-books take a deep dive into retail's most important topics, providing a wealth of knowledge to keep abreast of the latest technologies.